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5 Fun Facts About Easter You Probably Didn’t Know

5 Fun Facts About Easter You Probably Didn't Know

5 Fun Facts About Easter You Probably Didn’t Know

  • Easter is one of the most important days for Christians worldwide

  • To celebrate this occasion, we will be giving 5 amazing facts about Easter

Every year, we all can’t wait for Easter Sunday to eat and celebrate but have you ever thought about what this day signifies?

Also known as resurrection Sunday, this day is one of the most important days for Christians in the world. It is the celebration of the rise of Jesus Christ from the dead.

As you sit down to enjoy an amazing meal with your family today, why don’t you wow them with these facts about Easter.


Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion.

Easter gets its name from the pagan goddess from England known as Eostre. She was the goddess of spring and renewal.

Egg, the symbol of Easter

Eggs are regarded as the symbol of Easter. They stand for fertility and birth.

Springtime is also known as the season of rebirth and it is associated with the holiday.

Easter and Lent relation

Easter always comes up on a Sunday, after a 40-day fasting period called Lent.

Although Lent is regarded as a fasting period, participants focus more on giving up a bad indulgence.

Holy Week

Holy Week is regarded as the week leading up to Easter. It starts seven days before, on the previous Sunday called “Palm Sunday”.

It goes through, Maudy Monday, Good Wednesday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

Read also: The Origin Of Good Friday

Easter date
One of the amazing  facts about Easter is that the date changes every year. The Resurrection Sunday is a “movable feast” that falls between March 22 and April 25.

Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon that happens after the Spring equinox.

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