Divorced Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, has again opened up on domestic violence. Recall that the union between the actress and her husband, Oladunni Churchill ended earlier in the year when the actress announced via her Instagram page that she had moved out of her husband’s house. She followed it up with several allegations of domestic violence, cheating and other marital misconducts against Churchill. Churchill had also spoken out and gave account of what led to the sudden crash of their marriage. Tonto Dikeh fumes during match against domestic violence.
However, recently, they officially ended their marriage as Churchill’s family went back to Tonto Dikeh’s family house to have her bride price refunded. Churchill’s uncle, Bishop Dare led a delegation to meet with Tonto Dikeh’s father, Chief Sunny Dikeh in Portharcourt to collect the bride price they paid over a year ago when they held their traditional marriage ceremony.
Tonto Dikeh fumes during match against domestic violence
But the mother of one, who was one of the celebrities who marched against domestic violence alongside the Ooni of Ife’s wife a couple of days ago, had something to say about domestic violence when interviewed by GoldmyneTV while on the march.
Check out See how Tonto danced with joy after bride price was returned, slams haters & critics [VIDEO]
Tonto, whose marriage to her ex-husband purportedly ended on grounds of domestic violence amidst other allegations, said there is no excuse under the face of the earth that God has created, for a man to lay his hand on his woman.
See video below…
Here’s what she said, “I think the one issue that actually births the high rate of domestic violence is the fact that we are not talking about it enough. It is the fact that the society is shaming us when we talk about it. So we rather not talk about it, we rather keep it on a hush hush until it is worse.
See also My marriage to Tonto Dikeh was danger, huge mistake – Churchill insists it is over
“This awareness will create so many; I am sure a lot of men now will be scared to beat their wives now because this awareness is no joke, there are heavyweights here. It is not about ridiculing men like I always say. It is to make us a better person. It is to make our homes better.
“Nobody is saying run out of your homes. I am not preaching divorce. I am preaching that you speak out. because your life matters. Your children’s lives matter and your husband’s life matters.
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“I don’t think there is any excuse under the face of the earth that God has created that a man should put a hand on his woman. No! There are other options. You can walk away., you can calm down or you can go for therapy. There is so many options than hitting a woman,” she fumed.
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