Embattled Nollywood actress Chacha Eke who has made a video claiming that her marriage is over has now shared another video refuting her earlier claims.
In her new video shared from a Psychiatric hospital in Asaba Delta state, the actress stated that she was suffering from bipolar disorder.
In the video, she claimed that contrary to her accusations of domestic violence, her husband never laid his hands on her.
The actress currently in the hospital where she is being treated for bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is often associated with mood swings and depressive tendencies.
The claims in her former video are misleading and she wants all her fans to disregard it. However, the video she made was so real that almost everyone that saw it did not suspect a thing.
Reports that she had mental illness were easily rebuffed based on her initial allegations of domestic violence.
Many ladies even praised her for working out of an abusive marriage.
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