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Takanakuy: World’s Most Dangerous Fighting Festival

Takanakuy: World’s Most Dangerous Fighting Festival

Every year, the Chumbivilcas province in Peru hosts the Takanakuy in Chrismas time, which has been termed one of the most dangerous festivals in the world.

On the 25th of December each year, high up in the mountains of the Cusco region, communities get together for merriment that includes drinking, dancing, and eating.

This festival is like most others in different parts of the world aside from one simple important element to spice things up fistfights.

Reason for Takanakuy fights

The entire town congregates to watch members of their community go against each other in a fistfight.

The fight is open to people of all ages and gender. From young children to elders, men, and women.

Takanakuy festival

The purpose of the Tankanakuy festival fight is to settle grievances that have built up over the year from public and personal disputes.

Residents claim that the festival helps resolve conflict and also strengthens the bond among members of the community.

They believe that it is better than living side-by-side with someone you hold grievances with because it often escalates into something worse.

In Quechua, the primary language of people in this region, Takanakuy, which translates to “when the blood is boiling”.

Read also: The 5 Craziest Festivals In The World

Rules of the fight

The fights in this festival are civil and less dangerous than street brawls. It has been likened to martial arts sparring.

It includes Referees who stand by to ensure that there is no sign of misconduct or dangerous attack among participants.

It also includes more specific regulations such as “no biting”. Also, fighters are not allowed to hit an opponent that is down.

Each fight usually ends within a minute and fighters shake hands or hug to signal the end of grievances.

An example of the fight can be seen in this 2009 clip below

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