
Man With World’s Biggest Penis Reveals Shocking Secret

Man With World’s Biggest Penis Reveals Shocking Secret

  • Jonah Falcon holds the unofficial title for the world’s biggest penis, with a phallus that stands at 13.5 inches long when erect
  • Falcon has claimed that celebrities often contact him for sex because of his large penis

A man who holds the unofficial title for the biggest penis in the world has claimed that he has been contacted by numerous celebrities to have sex with them.

Jonah Falcon reportedly has a penis that stretches out to 13.5 inches when erect and 8.5 inches when flaccid.

Since being profiled on an HBO documentary in 1990, Jonah claims to have gotten many strange sex requests, some of them being from celebrities.

During an interview with podcast host Alex Guldtands, Jonah confirmed that he has had sex with quite a number of famous people.

Jonah Falcon

“A lot of these really famous people will fool around with me, because they know I won’t make a big deal about it.”

He claims to have been contacted by many celebrities through text and others connect to him through mutual friends.

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The aspiring actor however dislcosed that despite the size of his penis, he has not attempted to feature in adult movies.

He claims that he would rather do legitimate acting jobs than move into the porn industry. This has however not stopped many from assuming he is a pornstar.

Biggest penis

Jonah also narrated how having the world’s biggest penis has gotten him many odd requests from strangers.

He divulged that he has been approached by several guys who want him to have sex with their girlfriends but he says no.

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